Why silver is a great investment, Silver has been getting a lot of talk this past year. You, may remember silver hitting 11.00 dollars during the pandemic and recently hitting new highs at around 30.00 per OZ. Those are very big swings, if we look back at March, April and May you’ll notice Silver coins and bars were selling out at every major manufacturer. The companies couldn’t keep up with the demand, which caused the price to surge.

Now, with the government printing more money under the new stimulus bill for 1.9 trillion we are seeing silver spike once again up nearly 2% for the day on the futures market. You may ask why this is happening, well the reasoning is precious metals has always been a safe haven for investors to protect their money and wealth. When a country prints more money, it creates more inflation and also increases the overall debt. So, with that being said it ultimately devalues the dollar. The investor then buys Silver bullion to hedge against the dollar in case of collapse so he isn’t wiped out. Silver has also maintained value throughout history and in ancient times which makes it a safe haven for many because, if it hasn’t gone away yet. Why would it go away now?
We think Silver will hold its value and continue on a slow and steady incline over the coming years. Especially as the national debt continues to skyrocket. This is why silver will be a great investment now and, in the years, to come.
Woes continue as big tech continues to lay off workers Twitter mass firing as well as Amazon. Things appear to be getting harder with inflation still roaring globally. Bulls continue to preach of a Fed pivot, but if they do that could destroy the national currency which will leave Americans with what? unpayable debt and a dark future. This is why we think silver is a great investment.
Disclaimer: we are not financial advisors and this is our own opinion. We do use affiliate links in the post.
Silver has always been my choice when the markets become sketch. Cheaper than gold but the fluctuations in price have let me make great profits.