Is The Global Reset Here? What Role Will Gold & Silver Play?
Currently We are seeing a very strong dollar when matched against other currencies, however the irony here is consumers aren’t seeing stronger purchasing power. Fiat currency is by nothing, and We believe people are losing faith in the dollar. Thus, why we are seeing an increase in demand for gold and silver. Silver and gold have always been a safe haven for investors to protect their wealth as it will always be worth something. The video above is brought by Wallstreet Silver, and we believe will give our readers better insights to the current markets.
Willem Middelkoop joins WallStreet silver to discuss the possibility of another 20-30% drop in the stock market. We also talk about the energy crisis happening in Euro and how this will affect its economy. Furthermore, we talk about Physical silver, The US dollar stepping down as the World reserve currency, and how he is positioning his fund for these events.