This inflation is permanent
Where BlackRock delivered a plan of action written by many former central bankers entitled “Going Direct”. A sixteen-page report, we will backlink again in the show notes here so you can go reread it: For all has since then, has apparently gone according to prior plans. This August 2019 report called for a major central bank policy coordination the next time we had a financial crisis, and only a month later in September 2019 the overnight NY Fed Repo fiasco kicked off leading into this pandemic driven fiat financial coup still underway with the fiat Federal Reserve and US Treasury still melding having used Social Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) to inject massive currency creation directly into the hedge funds and the real economy.

Don’t take our word for it either. John Titus who runs a great YouTube channel called Best Evidence recently had a video entitled “Meet the Fed’s New BFF” where he contracted this chart illustrating that the new āQEā policies ongoing are way different than the form QE123 injections in 2009 and the 2010s. We’ll leave a link to his video also in the show notes if you want to dive further. John Titus’ Best Evidence channel “Meet the Fed’s New BFF” Chart source: Suffice to say that blue and the red line going up in coordination are direct central bank policies to kick off a much larger secular inflation here in the USA. Likely they hope in doing so they can better devalue the record debt and $100s of trillions in unfunded liability piles never saved for. The August 2019 Going Direct report read… “…” are we not all fully clear now, on what they are doing long term? This debt here is only a mere fraction of what the US government nominally increasingly owes in the coming decades unfolding. Add on all unsaved-for, massive federal entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, gov’t and military pensions, etc. This all adds up to an unplayable sum in real value terms of approximately $200 trillion in net present values. So perhaps we invent the time machine or instead face the brutal facts, that the fiat Federal Reserve has set out to make massive secular inflation permanent policy, regardless of what deflationary downturns come our way.
This “Going Direct” for inflation policy come hell or high water is not by accident, it is by pre-meditated design, and it to become not merely a present but a permanent feature of our collective futures. We’re poised for much higher inflation ahead. And as I have illustrated to start this week’s update. It is by pre-meditated coordinated bailout blueprint design. Take advantage of these spot price dips and acquire prudent bullion positions if you have not already. You don’t want to look back in regret, later on. That’s all for this week. As always all you out there, take great care of yourselves and those you love.
How to combat Inflation, we always believed that metals are a safe haven when inflation is running wild. Metal has always held value for centuries and the oldest currency. Whether you pick scrap silver, bullion, or government issued silver we believe it will always have its place in the world.