Silver Bullion or Fiat money The Fed is now hiking interest rates very aggressively AND destroying $95 billion every month through Quantitative Tightening. Today’s guest…
Paper Silver gets tombstoned
Paper Silver gets tombstoned going into the weekend, despite market bull trap this morning. Paper Silver gets tombstoned Daily chart on SLV not looking to…
The Fed Has Made Zero Progress Fighting Inflation
We believe the fed has made zero progress fighting inflation here is why; Bank of England has Wall Street questioning the Fed. · Consumers are…
Michael Oliver: Silver is my prime place to be over the next 2 years
Michael Oliver: Silver is my prime place to be over the next 2 years While the Federal Reserve continues to tell financial market participants that…
Gold Investing Fundamentals
For many millennia physical gold has helped humans insulate and insure themselves against losses of their financial wealth. During times of undervaluation, gold can simultaneously…
Andy Shectmans TERRIFYING Message to Silver Stackers!
silver stacking during a crisis Silver stacking is a great investment, but also fun. It’s always a treat showing off your new coins, and or…
Silver Inventories VANISHING & Record Premiums
Silver Inventories are quickly running dry even with the high premiums. This could become the new norm as economic uncertainties continue to increase. We saw…
Will Silver crack $20 before end of year?
Here we will be talking about if SLV (paper silver will crack $20 before the end of the year. Today SLV was off to a…
The Mother Of All Debt Bubbles Is About To Pop
The mother of all Debt Bubbles We are in the midst of the largest debt bubble in history, and there are only 2 ways out.…
Can Precious Metals Like SILVER Become Real Money In A Crash?
How can precious metals like silver become real money in a crash? Well., Silver and gold were used as currencies by nearly every empire and…