The collapse has begun. The Dow Jones from the lows of March 2020 has risen by 87.75% with its yearly history average at just 8.07%. DXY and the dollar continues to drop in value going below 106 today on the DXY. As always what comes up must come down Let’s look at the DOW.

The Dow has gained over 4000 points since it’s drop early October and continues to rise, even with economic uncertainty. The Fed minutes was released yesterday where they spoke about easing up interest rates as the Feds believe they may have inflation under control. However, is that actually the truth? Gold and Silver prices continue to rise and Comex vaults continue to be drained. If inflation was dropping why are countries stocking up on Gold and investors buying more silver? Something has to give. What we may be seeing is a runaway economy, which will eventually have to be kept in check, which could also become a problem later on down the line.

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