Silver Rally Stops bank short:
Silver has banks shorting it? Who would have thought. silver’s recent rally has stopped a bank from shorting silver. TD securities the 5th Largest bank in North America was shorting silver (betting the price would go down) and they had to stop because they were losing too much money Ironic right? Could this be the squeeze people are waiting for? Silver has gone up $2 in a week and I talk about how this has caused a major bank to stop their silver short.

Silver price can go much higher in 2023 with the current economic uncertainties. If you are silver stacking or investing in silver, then you need to look at the long term. Silver and gold are an inflation hedge, and I continue to stack when I can. Silver price 2023 can change quite a bit from where it is now. This silver price increase can be seen as a short-term event, but I still think that silver price is low enough to stack more silver bars and silver coins while you still can. The dollar is getting weak currently as we can see DXY continues to fall and that’s a good measurement to use to see if metals like silver, gold etc. will rally.

Disclaimer: we are not investment advisors, nor do we claim to be. prices can change drastically from time of post. Please consult a financial investment advisor before buying or trading stocks.