On Today’s Episode: You are not alone if the recession has you nervous about what to expect. People have real concerns about whether or not…
$300 silver is coming; If silver hits this floor, start buying – Peter Krauth
$5K gold and $300 silver make sense, says Peter Krauth, author of “The Great Silver Bull.” Krauth spoke with David Lin, Anchor and Producer at…
Silver Future contracts made to manipulate metal prices.
Silver Future contracts made to manipulate metal prices. I’ve been preaching about market manipulation for almost 10 years in the SLV market. Not as long…
Coins vs Bars – Expert Tips on Gold and Silver Coins and Bars
In this episode, host Mark Yaxley explains the similarities that gold and silver coins and bars have with each other, and the key differences investors…
The Best Silver Bar Size for Silver Stacking or Silver Investing
n this video I talk about silver bars and what silver bar is the best size for silver stacking or silver investing. I talk about…
Robbing Your Own Bank in Demand of Your Deposits
This week we witnessed a growing trend of Lebanese citizens robbing their own banks in order to retrieve fiat currency demand deposits they have already…
Silver Bullion Withdrawals at Record Pace [COMEX, London]
Late last week, fiat Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell addressed his fellow western central bank allies and the larger investing world at the annual Jackson…
SILVER in London, COMEX is Increasingly Disappearing
SILVER in London, COMEX is Increasingly Disappearing Since the early 2020 pandemic-driven gold and silver bullion shortage arbitrage and the late Jan 2021 #Reddit #WallStreetSilver…
Billionaires Becoming BULLIONaires
his camera pan shows off 20 wooden pallets with 50 American Silver Eagle Mint Cases strapped, stacked, and plastic wrapped for distribution warehouse shipments by…