BILLIONAIRE John Paulson on gold:
: 25-50x Gold Bet Potential Payout: August 12th, 2021 interview clips – – Slightly down weeks in trading for both monetary #PreciousMetals. The spot silver price is likely to close this week at around a $21.75 oz bid, while the spot gold price pushes to close at $1,850 per troy ounce ask price. The spot gold-silver ratio traded flat for the week, likely again to close again at 84. As both gold and silver move down in price consolidations towards their respective 200-day moving averages, here is a long-term view of where each respective metal sits in relation to their important 200-day moving averages.

Gold’s 200-day moving average sits just over $1777 oz, and of late, gold has been trading relative to fiat US dollar strength or relative weakness versus other competing fiat currencies. Silver’s 200-day moving average is likely to end around $21 oz this week. Generally speaking, buying bullion positions when spot prices retrace back towards their 200-day moving average is best for lower dollar cost averaging in a secular bullion bull market. Perhaps one of those times is now again here for long-term bullion buyers.

Billionaire John Paulson on owning Gold Bullion over fiat US Dollars over a 3, 5, and 10-year timespan:… FIDC Charts & Best Evidence: Why Is the Federal Reserve Provoking a Financial Crisis? CFTC’s delayed CoT Report Data:… Of course, if you already own a prudent position in physical gold and silver bullion, you’re likely not too concerned with exactly when the next CFTC Cot Report will be. You likely rest soundly knowing you have harder monies that will likely outperform the fiat US dollar and other debasing fiat currencies over the next 3, 5, and even 10 years.
1/10 Oz Canadian Maple Leaf Gold Coin