Silver or gold? That’s the question I get asked almost every day. And in this video, I’m going to give you a detailed breakdown on what to buy depending on your budget. I’m talking a percentage split between physical silver and gold that you should buy. I’m not going to get into the specific types of silver and gold, but I will mention a few that I think make a lot of sense (especially with gold). I first give some important gold and silver stacking assumptions and discuss the stacking “extremes” by both silver bugs and gold bugs. I then break down what type of precious metals to purchase by those who have less than $1,000; those who have between $1,000 and $5,000; gold and silver stackers with $5,000 – $25,000, $25,000 – $50,000, $50,000 – $100,000; and finally, those with over $100,000. Silver being cheaper provides more upside and less risk because you are getting more for your dollar. 1 oz of silver is $25 spot and 1 oz gold is over $2,000 spot and if you look over the last decade gold hasn’t really moved much. The premiums on gold are also much higher. Then again it depends on what each buyer and investor believe and is trying too accomplish.
Silver is often seen as the poor man’s gold since the value to buy it is considerably cheaper. There’s also a lot of variations and in my opinion more lucrative when one goes to sell their silver for cash. The appeal of gold is it’s much lighter than silver metals making it easier to carry and pack if you plan on using it for trade or bartering.
Check out the video posted below.