1. Supply and demand:
Silver is used in various industries such as electronics, medical equipment, and solar panels. As demand for these products increases, the demand for silver also increases. On the other hand, the supply of silver is limited and is becoming increasingly difficult to mine, leading to a potential shortage in the future. The laws of supply and demand suggest that as demand increases and supply decreases, the price will increase.

2. Inflation hedge:
Silver has historically been seen as a safe haven asset during times of economic uncertainty. With the global economy still recovering from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and central banks worldwide implementing low-interest-rate policies, inflation may be on the horizon. As a result, investors may turn to silver as a hedge against inflation, driving up its price. Dollar has continued to lose its power as debt keeps increasing. The United States has already printed another 700 billion 3 weeks after reaching a debt deal agreement.

3. Political instability:
Political instability can lead to a lack of confidence in government-issued currencies, leading investors to turn to alternative assets such as silver. Tensions between countries, particularly in relation to trade, may also affect the price of silver. We recently saw the Russian coupe and how that played out this past weekend. What more can the governments of the world throw at us.
4. Investment demand:
silver bullion is a popular investment option among retail investors and can also be found in exchange-traded funds (ETFs). With interest rates likely remaining low, investors may seek out alternative investment options, including silver bullion. As demand for silver as an investment increase, this could lead to an increase in its price.
Overall, there are several reasons why silver bullion could double in the next decade, including supply and demand, inflation hedging, political instability, and investment demand. It’s important to note that future price movements are unpredictable, and investors should do their research and exercise caution when investing in any asset.
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