NVDA BMR RGTI other AI stocks:
NVDA has been a major leading stock in the AI stock craze, after continuously breaking new highs and hitting a market cap of 1.82 trillion dollars, some new names have been gaining traction. BMR has just a $200 million market cap which makes it attractive to value investors because BMR has a revolutionary product that reduces the cost of AI. Beamr imaging has also teamed up with NVIDIA boosting video standard adoption. It’s worth noting that ATAM a video compression technology a competitor of Beamr imaging has a $17 billion dollar market cap. BMR also holds a handful of technology patents which can be found here Search Patents – Justia Patents Search .

RGTI Regetti Computing Inc is another AI quantum computing stock we will be briefly talking about.
What they do:
Rigetti computing is a full stack quantum computing company which serves global enterprise, governments, and research clients through their research platform, Rigetti Quantum cloud service platform. Rigetti computing was awarded a five-year contract with Air force Research Lb for Quantum foundry services.

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