Silver Future contracts made to manipulate metal prices.
I’ve been preaching about market manipulation for almost 10 years in the SLV market. Not as long as some, but a long time.
I see new people jumping into the metal markets for all the right reasons, just like I did. However, they do not understand the mechanics of the market manipulation in the metal markets.
The banks fully understand that the powers that be will NEVER allow the price of metals (Gold and Silver) to rise. There are many reasons they will not let them rise. But the bankers fully understand it, and yet they prey on unsuspecting victims.
If the silver squeeze movement should have taught all these people at least one thing. They are manipulating the metals and they have complete control of the metal markets. It is futile to resist.
I have been through many attempted silver squeezes before dating back to when Max Keiser tried to get the movement to squeeze JP Morgan out of the market:
The next missive squeeze after that was caused by the bankers themselves when JP Morgan drove the price up to cover the newly acquired shorts from the Bear Sterns bankruptcy:
Recently the Reddit crowd tried to squeeze the silver market:
They were even encouraging people to buy SLV to help the squeeze.
All the powers that be needed to do was create more SLV paper futures contracts to suppress the price of silver and they did it easily. In all the cases I referred to above.
It was VERY easy for them to achieve. And it will be as easy for them to achieve in the future as well.
I hate to say it, they have complete control of the metal markets. And they have for decades. The power of the dark side is unimaginable. If JP Morgan could cover the shorts from the Bear Sterns bankruptcy (Who held the largest short position in silver at the time) they can handle any squeeze attempt by the feeble peasants.
This post should be stickied as a warning to any future SLV investors as to what has happened, how it happened and how the market will continue to be manipulated.
Here is their method and I have documented it here numerous times:
Be careful out there. There are governments and banks in high places that are very powerful and have unlimited resources to destroy some assets values. unfortunately, silver is one of them. We hope you enjoyed our article on Silver Future contracts made to manipulate metal prices.

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