Why Silver over Gold

Why Silver over Gold

Silver is Used in more physical transactions all time than any other currency. Silver is historically cheap compared to gold and other financial assets. Precious and limited in supply, silver is a required industrial precious metal for our modern lifestyles. Why buy Silver Bullion now?

Why silver over gold part 2

For many thousands of years, silver has served as a reliable store of value, specie money for day-to-day transactions, and as a vehicle for long term savings. Silver is the most common and least expensive of the various precious metals (compared to gold bullion, platinum bullion, and palladium bullion). Often referred to as the poor man’s gold, silver was first minted in Lydian coinage around 600 B.C. Silver coins throughout history have been typically struck in sterling silver. Sterling silver coins usually have copper added to achieve further durability during monetary circulation. Virtually every thriving culture since the end of ancient times issued or had sterling silver coinage in their financial system. Examples include ancient Lydian silver coins, Greek drachma silver coins, the silver Roman denarius coin, British pound sterling silver coins, US silver circulation coins, and Canadian silver circulation coins.

why silver over gold part 3

“The major monetary metal in history is silver, not gold,” that was according to Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman in 1993. He was most likely referring to the fact that based on an overall historic human to human transaction volumes, silver coins have served mankind more as money than any other past commodity money or fiat currency issued today. Silver literally or figuratively means money or cash in various languages spoken by over 1 billion people across the globe (e.g., French, Thai, Greek, Portuguese, & Spanish). Today millions of silver investors privately hedge their wealth against economic disruptions, bank bail-ins, fiat currency devaluations, and systemic financial crisis by acquiring either old formerly circulated silver coinage and as well 100% pure privately minted modern day silver bullion rounds, newly issued government guaranteed silver coins, and silver bullion bars.

It’s always good to stay diverse with silver and gold. It’s also something to show your kids one day whether it’s an old silver eagle or a brand new Wallstreet Silver 10 oz bar.

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