Who Just BOUGHT a RECORD Amount of GOLD 

World central banks are setting records with their recent purchases of gold, and while you don’t hear many Central Bankers espousing the benefits of precious…

Could U.S. Pensions Be the Next Crash?

At the center of the disaster surrounding the U.K. pension plans in recent weeks were funds using derivatives to protect themselves from potential swings in…

 Inflation Rages Upwards

in the USA inflation rages upwards to record high levels. This week’s +8.6% consumer price inflation data point is not only underreporting price escalation facts…

More Fed Rate Hikes

Investors worry of More Fed rate hikes As many recent experts have lamented, it’s hard to be an investor in today’s market when the price…

Why Silver over Gold

Why Silver over Gold Silver is Used in more physical transactions all time than any other currency. Silver is historically cheap compared to gold and…